Benefits of a Winter Wedding

Winter isn’t the first thing that springs to mind when people mention Weddings… but maybe it should be?
Celebrating your wedding in Melbourne’s colder months has many advantages over our warmer neighbours and here are a few perks on why a Melbourne Winter Wedding might be perfect for you:
- It’s all about you
You spend weekend after weekend at weddings in the summer, as well as squeezing in the hens and bucks parties as well. Celebrate in the winter however and that time is all yours, it gives you and your guests a chance to relax (and recover) without experiencing that feeling of a wedding go-round.
With no other weddings lined up over winter, yours will be sure to stand out in people’s memories!
- We all love a bargain
Many Melbourne wedding venues and suppliers will offer deals and cheaper rates in the quieter winter months, and why wouldn’t you make the most of that! For the best prices for Melbourne Wedding Venues, winter is a great option.
Here, at Encore St Kilda we have a great Menu Special available for our winter couples which offers you a 18% discount compared to the full priced summer offering.
Not only do wedding venues offer cheaper deals in winter, there’s also more availability, so you’re much more likely to get your preferred date as well as being able to lock in your favourite suppliers (who will also often offer incentives for winter celebrations). Once it’s all done, guess whose wedding photographer is going to be able to get your photos back to you quicker as they’re editing only your photos, not trying to do 5 other couples at the same time.
- Chill Out
Summer weddings are often held outside, in the gardens or by the beach, but we all know what Melbourne’s weather is like (even at the best of times) and that the sky can be blue and cloudless one minute and hailing down the next.
Winter wedding venues are usually held inside, taking out the stress of worrying about emergency back up plans (or sunburn) and surely the image of exchanging your vows in front of one of Encore’s cosy fires, surrounded by your loved ones with the moody beachside views, will warm your heart as well as your hands!
- No Sweat
The last thing you want to be worried about on your wedding day is whether your make-up, so carefully applied a few hours ago, is sliding down your face, your curls are dropping or the if the groomsman’s spare shirt has been left in the Wedding car. The fear of being hot and sweaty in your photos, let alone whether your Mother-in-law is (more) cranky and irritable in the 40 degree heat is real. Make the most of winter fashion with a fur wrap (faux of course) and revel in the elegance of a winter black tie extravaganza. Every man will thank you, suits are most definitely not the favourite outfit of the summer and somehow, I don’t think that boardies would cut it (even if Encore does happen to be right on St Kilda Beach!).
- Someday I’ll Fly Away
And now to the best part following any Melbourne Wedding Venue event, the honeymoon!
Use that money that you’ve saved by taking advantage of all the winter wedding venue discounts on offer and treat yourself to a European summer – Italian beaches, Greek Islands and the French Riviera.
Relax, enjoy each other’s company and eat your bodyweight in ice cream, you deserve it.
Written by Nell Bent,
Encore St Kilda Beach Event Coordinator.